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    Tech Server Plus
    The company was founded in
    2003. Currently, we are the national
    leader providing IT support services
    for network operators in the USA.
  • slider
    Tech Server Plus
    The company was founded in 2003.
    Currently, we are the national
    leader providing IT support services
    for network operators in the USA.
Quality Products
30 Days Guarantee
On-Time Support

about Tech Server Plus

The company was founded in 2003. Currently, we are the national leader providing IT support services for network operators in the USA.

If you are looking to buy refurbished IT components or full systems (server, storage, tape library, or networking equipment) for low prices, with at least 1-year warranty and fast shipping, this is the right spot for you. Most of our team members used to work for different OEMs, we know that buying new equipment isn't always the best option - high prices, long shipping times, moreover in some cases it's not even possible to purchase some parts anymore (End of Sale)

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